I was thinking yesterday, how does someone know if they have low self-esteem?
According to Wikipedia, it is a term that shows a person's general assessment of their worth. I became so interested in this topic because over the past week I have heard friends say some pretty negative things about themselves, particularly their bodies and then I did a fashion show yesterday with some models and I was amazed at some of the things I heard and saw. Typically, when I think about a model, I think about someone that is considered to be beautiful or "perfect" physically. (I am using the word "perfect" a bit loosely, but hopefully you get what I am saying). Now, this show included some very beautiful people, but it was weird because when I walked around, I heard a lot of "loose chatter." Some girls complained about their bodies and their nose and the shape of their face, etc....It really confused me because when I looked at them, all I saw was beauty. If someone who models has low self-esteem what the heck does that mean for the rest of us LOL?! Maybe self-esteem is just some theory myth thing someone made up to make us look deep within ourselves.
Now, of course, there were plenty of cocky women in the bunch strutting around half naked and showing off their God-given assets, but it just amazed me that so many women have low self-esteem...or maybe self-esteem gets shaken when we are around other people we think are beautiful. (I am sure most if not all women have experienced this on some level...if not, let me help you...it's like you are standing next to a bikini clad Beyonce in a room of 100 horny, single men). Now, I do understand that sometimes people say bad things about themselves in an effort to fish for a compliment, but if you are fishing for a compliment, does this not mean that maybe you have a bit of low self-esteem because you need someone to validate you?

Anyway, for a time, I remember not feeling like I was as confident as I used to because of that situation. I still never considered myself as having low self-esteem although I probably did, according to Wikipedia. I don't think I completely rebuilt my confidence until about 4 years ago when I got pregnant. LOL, I know that is weird to feel sexy and pregnant, but it can happen.
Last week, a guy that I used to date texted/called me out of nowhere. I was shocked. I told him I did a big fashion show and that I was so nervous before I did it because I'm older (28 is considered to be on the older side in the modeling world-I don't see myself as being "old") and I haven't done a lot of modeling in the past few years. I was a bit shocked when he told me how beautiful he thought I was. When he said that, it was almost unbelievable because I don't feel as beautiful as he described me to be. It made me wonder if my self-esteem could still use a little boost. (No, he wasn't trying to get any...he isn't like that. He is someone that I consider to be a real friend, although we don't talk much). I remember when I was younger and I would go to castings and shows and I was never nervous about how I looked. Maybe that just happens with age...or maybe that is a self-esteem issue.

Today, I saw this video and it made me smile:
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