Someone else asked me about my blog the other day and gave me the most horrible and unsolicited advice ever and it had nothing to do with what we were talking about...let me start from the beginning....

Ok, 1st, if I say I am having a rough day because I'm tired, what does that have to do with having a boyfriend? 2nd, I am an adult, not a teen. I do not date for recreational purposes. I have to see something in someone and be attracted to them on all levels. I do not feel the need to set myself up for failure by just picking a boyfriend. Now, I may be going about this all wrong, but if I were to just pick someone who I'm not interested in, I think 1 or both of us would be hurt. I would end up breaking up with the person or not giving 100% because I'm not really into it.

able to use it and sometimes they give you suggestions that never crossed your mind, but I thought that advice should be pertinent to the conversation. This is why I love posting my blog links on Facebook because people comment and inbox me all kinds of advice. It's like free therapy lol! (Thanks Facebook Family...I love you guys)!
Ok, back to what I was saying. I would hate to miss out on a guy I really like because I decide to be with someone who isn't for me. Yes, I want a boyfriend, BUT I am willing to wait for the right guy to show up. It's like people want me to be scared to be alone. I have a friend who is never single. When she breaks up with 1 guy, she moves to the next and it's like she just dates the 1st one that talks to's weird....but if she is happy, who am I to judge? I am not scared to be alone...not right now, ask me that again in 20 years.

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