Saturday was beautiful and horrible all at the same time. You already know I'm going to give you a play-by-play.

I went to a baby shower for 1 of my college friends who is having a little girl. The baby shower was beautiful and so was she. She carries her pregnancy so well! I wasn't able to stay at the baby shower as long as I wanted because I had a wedding to attend that was about 2 hours away.

I said my goodbyes at the baby shower and rushed off so that I could get to the wedding on time. When I say rushed...I actually rushed and ended up getting a speeding ticket from a cop driving the opposite way on the highway...I'm not going to lie, I thought about crying to get out of my ticket, but I sucked it up and took the ticket because I was speeding. Now, while the cop was giving me the ticket he asked me where I was headed and I told him a wedding, AKA HURRY UP AND JUST GIVE ME THE FRIGGIN TICKET so I can continue on my way. Of course he took his sweet little time and continued talking. At that point, I was almost in tears because he was really about to make me late.
Once I got back on the road, I called my guy friend who was supposed to be meeting me at the wedding to let him know I might be a couple of minutes late. He started complaining about how he was supposed to work until 5pm, which mind you was the time the wedding was supposed to start. He was really starting to annoy me because I gave him more than a couple weeks notice about the wedding and he said he could attend. I even talked to him the day before to re-confirm that he would be coming- he said he was excited to be able to go with me, so it wasn't like I forced him to go with me). I was beginning to get a bit agitated, but I just let him talk and he eventually told me he was able to get off and that he had to stop by his mother's house before going home to change because she has pneumonia. I couldn't say anything about that because if my mom was sick she would be my priority too. He mentioned he might be a couple minutes late and I just reminded him that we can't be too late because the invitation clearly stated that they planned to start on time.
He seemed as if he understood and we got off the phone. I arrived at the wedding literally 2 minutes late and I saw the wedding party lining up outside the church, so I know I had to hurry. (Good thing I had put my dress on while I was driving...don't ask me how I did that)! I practically ran to the front of the church and hugged my friend then went inside to find a seat. I text my guy friend to let him know where to park because the church parking lot was full.

The wedding started and my friend was nowhere to be found. I decided I would focus on the beauty of this wedding and think about him later. Now, this wedding was beautiful, so you know I cried because I am sensitive. I will never forget the look on the bride's face as they opened the double doors of the church. She was beautiful. She stopped, looked and I saw her mouth the word "wow" as tears welled up in her eyes. Immediately the tears started streaming down my face. It was so beautiful to see so much love in her eyes as she walked to the front of the church. I don't want to keep going because you know I could...but it was just so beautiful!

Anyway, after the wedding, I walked outside to my car, only to realize I had locked my keys in the car. I have had my car since 2009 and this is the first time I have ever locked my keys in the car. Since I was carrying a clutch, I decided to remove my door keys from my key ring and I had intended to leave those in the car, but instead I had taken my door keys in with me and left the car keys in the car. UUUGGGHHH! I was so embarressed! As I watched people drive off to party at the reception, I was left alone outside, it was getting dark and cold...I frantically looked around the parking lot for my guy friend, who I assumed would be waiting in the parking lot for me because he was so late that he couldn't get into the wedding. There was no sign of him. I called him...he never answered nor did he text me back, so I called someone to bring me my spare keys.

While I was locked out of the car, I had a little time to think. The guy who I had invited to attend this wedding with me was someone I considered to be a true friend, but he wasn't the guy that I really wanted to take with me. The guy I really wanted to go with me was out of town, the 2nd option wasn't sure if he would be in town because he had just accepted a new job, so I was left with someone who I considered to be a true friend, which wasn't a bad thing, but would a true friend stand you up? The darker and colder it got, the more pissed I got. No matter what is going on, how could someone not at least text and say I can't come? Today is Tuesday and he has yet to apologize...needless to say, I unfollowed and unfriended him on all my social media and I text him a little piece of my mind before I erased his number. I know he is alive because he also unfollowed me on IG.
I can't lie and say I am over it, although I can laugh about how horribly the day went. I'm still a bit

salty...what about me made him want to stand me up without so much as an I'm sorry? I'm about to be very real...he isn't super cute and his personality isn't anything to rave about, but he was nice or at least I thought he was. I should have just planned to attend the wedding alone because that's how I ended up anyway.
Wow you really are pretty emotional at weddings; can't say seeing a bride would make me cry- but to each it's own. It's possible your "true friend" knew he was just a second or third option and wanted to prove a point. I'm sure you've heard the saying "Sometimes, the person you'd take a bullet for ends up being the one behind the gun" - Choose your "friends" wisely. might have a point. Idk how he could have known he wasn't my first choice, but I guess men have intuition just as much as women do...wait, I take that back, I do know...he knew that I had an interest in another guy, but I guess I thought he was on the same page as me because he asked me if we were going to the wedding as a couple or as friends and I told him friends because we are friends. Oh well, great post and advice!