I'll start with the ex-boyfriend...I will call him Charles. He called me and basically went crazy because he suspected that I was talking to someone. I tried to be civil because no part of me is interested in being with him and we have not dated in years. I let him vent and profess him love to me. Some women would have found it moving, but I thought it was pathetic because during his vent and profession of love, he decided to tell me that he despised me. Despise is a pretty strong word, but if it were true, why was he calling me?! Mind games rarely work on me, so I thanked him for being strong enough to reveal his feelings and I let him know that I had to go. He was furious, but I feel it is childish to argue with someone who I am not interested in being with.
Two days after our conversation, I saw him at the mall. He was staring at me as if he was staring at a ghost. I wish that I could say that I looked super cute that day, but I didn't...I had on leggings and a fitted shirt. I looked like I was heading to the gym. We made eye contact for probably about half a second and in that half of a second, I could see just how much he loved me. It was almost frightening. The only thing to do was to flip my hair and pretend I didn't even see him. Call that mean, but it felt great because I didn't fall into the trap. As I walked to my car, I could feel his eyes watching me, but I never looked back. I got in my car, turned up my radio and drove off knowing that in his heart he knew he messed up and that he would never have the opportunity to ever get close to me again.
Now, the second guy is a guy that I am still friends with. I have actually written about him in previous posts. He is the guy that I met online. To keep things short, I will give you a little recap. We dated for about 5 months, but I stopped dating him because he is self-centered and no amount of training could probably teach him how to treat a woman. During the time that we dated, there was Christmas- I received no gift, Valentine's Day- I received no gift, and my birthday-I received no gift. Let me just say I was NOT dating him to get gifts, nor did I give him gifts so he would buy me things, but no gift on these days is pretty harsh. I thought maybe he would make it up to me when he returned to the country because he traveled a lot, but I came to the realization that he took me for granted, so I left. We remained friends and just like always, they try and come back. He has texted me a bit to keep in touch and apologized for his far too many errors.

Now, I know it's not right to seek revenge...I am not sure this can be considered revenge though...it's more like 2 small wins for women all over the world who have been mistreated, used, etc. *steps off soap box, *drops mic and *sashays away.
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