I have a friend who I will call Brielle. Brielle is a good friend for the most part, but I think she is a bit stubborn, she can never see the error of her ways, and she is loyal to people who have talked about her like a dog behind her back. (I can't possibly tell you about all of these things today). Brielle and I are considered to be super close, but the problem that I have with Brielle is that she is really inconsiderate and unsupportive. (Sidenote: why are the people that you talk to the least the most supportive? I have Facebook friends who offer more support than people I see all the time. I have friends I haven't talked to in years who support me more than some of the closest people to me). I'm guessing you are wondering why her and I are friends...well...um...she is a good friend in other aspects.

Anyway, the 2 sisters officially kicked me out of the clique because we got a hotel room for a trip and the hotel gave us the wrong room and was going to charge us $300 to cancel. They wanted me to reimburse them for the room and pay the cancellation fee. I don't really see how that is fair. If anything, I think we should have split the cancellation fee. I decided we would keep the room because it was cheaper, but because they were sisters they ganged up on me and tried to bully me for the money, which mind you was like $20-$50. LOL! Usually I avoid confrontation, but I verbally fought these 2 head on. I was rather proud of myself..
Needless to say, the sisters and I are no longer friends and I'm cool with that because I feel like they were looking for a reason to kick me out of the group and they found a reason...not a good one, but a reason none the less.
Recently Brielle invited me to a dinner where the sisters would be in attendance. When she asked me, she didn't even bother to tell me they were coming. Them coming wouldn't stop me from going to the dinner, but as a close friend I expect her to give me a heads up because it is an uncomfortable situation. She said she doesn't have to tell me anything...I guess it is true that birds of a CATTY feather flock together!!! Wait, does that mean I am catty too because I was once friends with all of them?! It might be time for some personal reflection.
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