So, before my current interest, Maurice, I was getting to know this guy who I will call Jerry. I'm going to be honest, he is younger than me...7 years younger than me to be exact, but legal. He and I were very cool, I knew he didn't want a girlfriend and I was ok with that. We hung out pretty frequently and eventually he started liking me because...I'm amazing. I'm kidding, just being sarcastic.
I knew he was starting to like me, but I tried to ignore it. He would tell me how beautiful I was and maybe it's just me, but men say sexy and pretty, but when someone says you are beautiful, I think there is usually something behind it. I could be reading too much into it...that's what women do, we over-analyze and read too much into a lot of things lol.
Since we already had the understanding that he wasn't looking for a relationship, I just thought we were good friends that had common interest and liked hanging out. He texted me out of the blue and it went a little something like this:
Jerry: Can I tell you something?
Me: Sure, you can talk to me about anything...
Jerry: I could totally see myself dating you...except I can't wrap my head around being a step-dad.
Me: I don't know what to say....
Jerry: I told my dad about you and he said it is hard to be with a woman with a ready-made family.
Me: Well, you already know that my son and I are a package deal so I would never be with someone who can't see themselves being a dad or "step-dad" as you put it. Plus, I thought you didn't want a girlfriend...
Jerry: Well, I don't, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to continue to get to know you and meet your son.
Ok, let me break this down...
First, say what you mean and mean what you say. I am the type of woman that puts a man in a category based on his words and his actions. If you say, you don't want a girlfriend, then you get put in the friend box. That means, you will NOT get the perks that a boyfriend would get.

Second, just because you become someone's boyfriend, it doesn't mean you automatically get a pass to meet someone's least not with me. I am going to have to be completely comfortable with someone to even consider having my son around a man I am with. I can count on 1 hand how many of my friends, male and female have been around my son. I'm protective of my son and I don't want him around someone that I think is nice because the reality is that the person might now be so nice and I don't want to be responsible for the impact that a loser could have on my son...I'm not going to rant...I'm not going to rant....I'm not going to rant, but that is my mini rant!

Now, Jerry is a great guy. He will make someone really happy one for me and my "ready-made" family...we aren't interested.
Feel free to tell me if I'm over-analyzing, over-reacting, or reading too much into this...I won't take offense...
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