Ok, It's been a while...I took a little break from writing, not because there is a shortage of material. Trust me, I have tons of more stories to share. Stories always seem to come my way. Plus, I am thinking of changing the name and look of my blog....I will tell you about that later.
A couple of months ago, I went to my college homecoming. I was so excited to go because I miss my college girls and we always have so much fun when we get together. We decided to get a hotel and spend the weekend in Athens, GA enjoying the homecoming festivities- Go Dawgs! (If you didn't already know, the University of Georgia is the best)!
Anyway, Friday we decided we would go to a cookout, pig out and then hit the bar scene. The tailgate was in the boonies and we couldn't find it, so we went back to our room, pre-gamed and hit the bar. Let's just say that drinks were flowing a little too much and I REALLY enjoyed myself LOL! I haven't drank like that in a while.

The next day, I was def a little bit hung over. I don't usually drink like that. The last time I drank like that was probably my 24th birthday lol! We never go to the homecoming game, but we go to a big tailgate. We get there and pretty much everybody we know is at 1 tailgate, so I immediately got a nervous feeling. Let me tell you why...I had this feeling that I was going to run into Dave- the guy who had a girlfriend the entire time he was trying to date me. We have a lot of friends in common, so if he came in town for homecoming, I was pretty sure I was going to run into him. Mentally, I thought I was prepared and physically, I tried to look my best so he could take 1 look at me and regret the way he did me.
I spent the majority of my time sitting with my sunglasses on due to my hangover, but I was having an ok time until I feel 1 of my friends tap me to look up because not only is Dave here, but he is here with his girlfriend...the one he was with when he was trying to be with me. I had about 30 seconds to decide how I would act. I decided that I looked great, so there was no reason for me to feel out of place with MY friends!

I saw Dave eyeing me out of my peripherals. (Thank God for sunglasses because I could look without looking). I decided that I wouldn't allow his presence to ruin my time and I would just act like he wasn't there. Dave took his girlfriend to an area to sit a few feet away from me and my friends. He was there for about 15 minutes before he came to speak to me and my friends. When he came over, I could feel all my friends eyes on me, but I played it so cool. He spoke and hugged each of my friends. He put his arm out to hug me, mind you I was still seated, I politely extended my hand and he asked me for a hug. I decided not to cause a scene and I gave him the driest church hug ever. (The church hug is when you barely hug someone and you make sure your pelvis and chest is nowhere near the other person).
After that, Dave eyed me even harder, even while he was standing next to his girlfriend. I'm not going to lie, I did get a great deal of satisfaction out of the situation because it was obvious that Dave still wanted me and he would never have me. AH AH AH *evil laugh!
One of my friends, who I believe, likes to "stir the pot" went over and started talking to Dave. I can't lie, I was annoyed that she was over there because I wanted to know what she was saying to him. As I sat in my own annoyance, I received a text from my friend's phone, but it was Dave texting me from her phone saying that I looked "sexy." I rolled my eyes and didn't respond to the text. He didn't deserve any of my attention. When I didn't respond, my friend came back over to me and said, "Dave wants you to come say bye before you leave." REALLY?! Get out of here!

When it was time to go, I took great pleasure in leaving and NOT saying bye to him. I don't care what any woman says, it feels good to know that a guy still wants you and can't have you especially when they have done you wrong. My same friend that likes to "stir the pot" called out to Dave as we were leaving to put him on notice that we, mainly I, was leaving. The satisfaction I got looking at his pitiful face as I turned to leave without so much as a smile, smirk, or wave in his direction put me on cloud 9.

Once we arrived back at the hotel, I got a text from Dave's phone that said what's up? I ignored him for hours and then I told my girls he texted me. We all laughed and the "pot stirrer" took my phone and texted back "hey." I was annoyed because I didn't want to say anything to him, but hey is pretty generic so I wasn't too bothered.

Every guy that has ever done me wrong has always tried to come back. That could mean 1 of 2 things...1. they realize that I am a good woman and they messed up. They realize that they screwed up with an 80 and ended up with a 20. Or 2. Maybe I am that comeback/rebound girl. Maybe they think it's easy to get back in good with me because I was nice and I didn't slash their tires and key their car. To tell you the truth, my mother has always told me, an ex is an ex for a reason, leave them in the past. I think she is right. Although I will always have a special place in my heart for Dave, along with all the other men who have done me wrong, I think the only place for them in my life is the past.

As a woman, we have to know our worth. I think Dave's girlfriend is very pretty and I see a lot of me in here personality wise. I feel bad for her, but I am 1 woman that she doesn't have to worry about trying to wreck what she has going on with him. I am a firm believer that men can change, but "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!"
The Dave saga doesn't end here...I have 1 more story for you about him, but I will save that for next time.
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