Anybody that knows me knows I don't do drama. I'm not saying that to be cute, I'm serious. When I see drama I go the other way, but there are those times though that I find it hard to just turn around especially when I see someone who may be in trouble. Let me just get to the story....
A few weeks ago, I got a call from a friend, who I will call D. D asked me if I would come hang out with him and his homegirl who was from out of town. He wanted me to help him show her a good time. I'm all about a good time, so I decided to go. I arrived at his house where I was introduced to Ansley, the friend from out of town. She was pretty nice and we instantly clicked. There were no odd stares or odd silences, just 2 women getting along. I love when women actually get along and don't act catty. D's roommate Don and one of his close friends, Tank, was there also.

We all talked, laughed and just had a good time. For some reason, women always feel a need to fondle my butt....LOL. I can't tell you how many times I have been out and women have tried to squeeze my butt, some ask and some don't. Ansley was no different, she decided to "cop a feel." Is it bad that I am so used to women doing that to me that it doesn't really bother me anymore. I am confident in my sexuality and I think a lot of women are just "friendly" so I don't get worked up by that. Now, a man doing that would be a different story. (I'm not saying that In let random women "cop a feel").
Anyway, back to the story...As you know, I'm still currently getting to know Maurice, so I am not interested in adding anyone to the roster. Well, everyone seemed to have a different plan for me tonight because everyone outside of Ansley was pushing me to try and get to know Tank. Let's just say, I wasn't talking to Maurice....I still wouldn't be interested in Tank. I was not attracted to him physically in any sort of way. He was nice and everything, but I just wasn't into it. Anyway, I think that if a guy is interested, he should just talk to a woman, you don't need your friends to push it. He didn't hit on me or anything, so for all I know, he wasn't interested in me either.

Before I arrived, D told me that we might be going to an all back party, so I dressed in a sleek, sexy black dress with a daring slit up my left thigh...I was def feeling myself that night. :) We piled into the car and headed out to a a laid back lounge/restaurant place....not an all black party and we enjoyed good food and drinks. While we sat and chatted, 2 females came over to our table who were also friends of Don and they joined in the fun. I mostly talked with Ansley. The other 2 females didn't say much to us, which was ok because it was loud and they weren't right next to us.
We left this spot and went across the street to another. This is where we separated. Don and D went off with the 2 female friends and I was left to entertain Ansley. I didn't mind, Ansley was nice and she had the car keys so I knew there was no chance of me getting left behind. More and more time passed and there was no sign of D and Don. Ansley and I decided we were ready to go, so we walked to the car and Ansley called D who said he was on his way to the car. We waiting in the car for like 15 min and finally D and Don showed up.
When D got in the car, Ansley immediately began teasing him about disappearing with Don's female friend. She was saying things like, "Oh, I didn't know you liked fat girls," "She must have had some good Pu$#y," "I can't believe you left me and Jori to hang out with that kind of girl." All the while, I could Tell that D was getting annoyed. Now keep in mind that D is driving. Ansley started touching D's head and his ears while continuously teasing him. He kept asking her to stop and I am thinking, please let her stop because he is getting irritated AND he is driving. I would like to make it back to his apartment safely.

Once we arrived at his apartment, I start walking towards D's door because I need to get my purse so I could leave. I hear D stop Ansley on the sidewalk near his apartment and tell her that her behavior isn't cool and that she needs to chill out. Once inside the apartment I walk over to the sofa to grab my stuff so I can head home and I see Ansley and D head towards his bedroom. I hear some quiet talking, then I hear a punch followed by a scuffle...My heart starts raising because it is clear that there is some sort of domestic dispute going on. I look at Don who is standing maybe a foot from me and his eyebrows are raised with a questionable look on his face. The sounds of the scuffle get closer so I turn to see D pushing Ansley back up the hallway towards the front, near where I was standing. Ansley's back hits the wall, D starts screaming at her saying she shouldn't have punched him. I look at his face and see that his mouth is bleeding. D looks enraged, both of them are screaming, and I am scared. Don is staring in awe and I realized I had to do something, but what?!

I know D pretty well and he isn't the type of man to hit a woman so I drop my purse on the couch and I am stand beside D and Ansley, while he still has her pinned to the wall. I calmy put my arms in between theirs and I put my face literally inches from D's face and I tell him to let her go. I tell him that he could hurt her, so he has to let her go. With 1 arm, D opens his door and pushes Ansley out, she falls and hits the ground. He locks the door and goes to his room packs up her stuff and throws it outside and locks the door back all while Ansley is beating on the glass door. (Now this is a completely clear glass door, no frosting, so I can see Ansley beating on the door and screaming like a caged animal). D sits on the couch...I stood in front of him and asked him what happened? He said he was telling her to chill out and she punched him in the mouth. I hug him and say, you didn't hit her, did you? He looks at me like I am crazy and says he would never hit a woman. Ansley has stopped beating on the door and has retreated to her car with her belongings. I tell him I am going outside to talk to Ansley.

As you can imagine, Ansley's story was quite different, she never mentioned hitting him, but she showed me a tiny drop of blood that was dripping down her leg and she was crying and saying she can't beleive him and she wants to go home. She is crying to me while talking to the police on the phone. I ask her for her keys because she is clearly intoxicated, she refuses. I beg her not to leave while I go back in and talk to D. Once I get back inside with D, I tell him that she is talking to the police and her leg is bleeding. I wasn't sure how to say this, but I decided it was time to get real. His lip was no longer bleeding and there was no sign that it had ever been bleeding. I kneel in front of D and I explain to him that he needs to fix the situation because if the police come, 1 or both of them are going to jail. He is a large, well-built man who looks a bit intimidating and she is a small crying female who looks a bit weak and her leg is bleeding. He keeps saying, "but I didn't hit her. She probably hit her leg when I pushed her outside. What do I look like scratching her leg? I'm a grown man!" I tried to explain to him that it doesn't matter what he says because to the police that may come, perception will be the reality...and that could mean jail.
D decided to go outside and talk to Ansley. She barely cracked her window...she wouldn't look at him, she listened and said she wanted to leave because she wasn't staying there. D offered up his couch and he even offered to put her in a hotel. In the end Ansley decided to go sleep at a friend's house who lived not far from D's house. In the hours that this took place, I hoped and prayed that Ansley was able to sober up enough to get there safely. I got her number from D to check on her, but she wouldn't text me back.
I may never know exactly what took place in that bedroom, but I do know D's character and that is what it comes down to for me- character. Call me crazy, but I would bet money that she hit him and thought she could get away with it with no consequences, maybe because she was drunk. D isn't in the clear though...let me explain. Ansley came in town, he took her shopping and he paid for her shopping expenses. He paid for all of her club expenses from that night and mine too. I get the feeling that she had a thing for him and he fueled it by really taking care of her while she was here. None of my male friends take me shopping and I wouldn't let them. Ansley probably got jealous when he went off with that other female. Something tells me, there may be more to the story....

Moral of this very long story: Ladies, keep your hands to yourself! Just because a man isn't supposed to hit you doesn't mean you have the right to put your hands on them. Men, don't lead a woman to believe that you have feelings for her and you don' will backfire, that's a guarantee!
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