Monday, August 12, 2013

I want to ask my crush out....

I think in a previous post, I mentioned that I was a rebellious bad ass and that I do what I want and I get whoever I want...well...I'm not LOL.  I can admit that I am a bit of a punk/pansy and I can't quite put my "big girl panties" on when it comes to this particular situation.

This crush that I have on M&M is driving me nuts.  I know someone that knows him, but he is dragging his feet when it comes to formally introducing us.  I think this guy kind of likes me so he probably will feel ackward seeing me with a guy he knows, although I am still confused as to why he is concerned who I like when he has a girlfriend that he appears to really care about.  Plus, I am not interested in him at all, so there is no chance even if he was single.

I kind of thought that it might be a good idea to take matters into my own to my crush myself...but I'm scared.  Let me give you a little background on this guy.  It is probably so weird that I even remember this, but when I was in college, I was walking back to my dorm and I heard some guys talking in the hallway.  (They were walking the opposite direction of me).  One of them said hi, so I turned abound and spoke.  It was kind of late so I was trying to get to my room in a hurry, but when I turned around and said hi, I realized that the guy that spoke was my crush, so I instantly got butterflies.  As I continued to walk, I heard my crush say, she is really pretty.  The guy walking with him was like, don't talk to her that is Ron's girl.  Ok, Ron was my ex, so I wanted to turn around and say, No I'm not, but that would have probably been a little too much, so I just kept walking.  I definitely felt a little boost of confidence because it's not often that you get assurance that your crush thinks you are pretty.  Normally you have to wonder whether you are their type.

To add to that, the guy I know that knows M&M told me that M&M knows who I am and that he thinks I am is the problem?!  I really think my friend is a blocker....or maybe M&M thinks I am pretty, but I am not his type...ugh I don't know.  I hate going through a middle man anyway, so I figured it would be better to take matters into my own hands.  If I get rejected, that's ok, at least I will know what the deal is and I won't have to wait for my friend to relay any messages to me, but how exactly am I supposed to ask this guy out?  What do you say to someone that you don't really talk to?  Since I am such a punk, I was thinking about starting a conversation on Facebook and just see where it goes.  (Yes, I said facebook, stop laughing)!  The only problem with that is that I am going to feel like an idiot if I send a message and he never responds.  That is worse then rejection.  As a matter of fact, that is what I do to guys when they send me messages/texts and I would rather not have to reject them LOL!  (I probably need to work on that).

I am the type of girl that never asks guys out-I'm old fashioned, but I will drop a hint so a guy will ask me out.  That technique has never failed me before, but I do think at some point I need to "man up" and just go after what I want...I think I may have a fear of rejection...after all, that is a hard pill to swallow.  

What would you do?

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