Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Homecoming Hotseat
Ok, It's been a while...I took a little break from writing, not because there is a shortage of material. Trust me, I have tons of more stories to share. Stories always seem to come my way. Plus, I am thinking of changing the name and look of my blog....I will tell you about that later.
A couple of months ago, I went to my college homecoming. I was so excited to go because I miss my college girls and we always have so much fun when we get together. We decided to get a hotel and spend the weekend in Athens, GA enjoying the homecoming festivities- Go Dawgs! (If you didn't already know, the University of Georgia is the best)!
Monday, December 16, 2013
What did you say about being a Step-Dad?!
So, before my current interest, Maurice, I was getting to know this guy who I will call Jerry. I'm going to be honest, he is younger than me...7 years younger than me to be exact, but legal. He and I were very cool, I knew he didn't want a girlfriend and I was ok with that. We hung out pretty frequently and eventually he started liking me because...I'm amazing. I'm kidding, just being sarcastic.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Coming out the Woodworks...Isn't that how the Saying Goes?
I can't tell you how many men have come out the woodwork since I met Maurice? Isn't that how the saying goes? What's a woodworks anyway lol?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
I think I Have Kept You Waiting Long Enough...Here is the Good News!
The good news is that I have actually found someone I like :).

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Finally, Some Good News, Well, Almost...Stay Tuned!

not interested,
online dating,
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
I hope those of you that read my blog don't view me as someone who is desperate to have a man. I write about dating because this is a blog about dating.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Matchmakers, Deal Breakers, & a Whole Lot of Attitude!

Thursday, October 17, 2013
Throwback Thursday Storytime: Speed Dating Stalker...Never Again!
A few years ago, I decided to go speed dating. I even convinced 2 of my friends to go. Speed dating was on my bucket list, so I was determined to see what it was about. Once we got our tickets we planned our outfits and all that girly stuff.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
I Want Your Hot Love & Emotion...Endlessly: An Open Letter to My Future Husband
A letter to My Future Husband:
Dear Future Husband,
About a year ago, I had a conversation with God and we came to the realization that I was ready to meet you. I have done my fair share of dating and entertaining losers, idiots, cheaters, unfaithful morons, and a whole plethora of men I had no business being around. From every unfortunate experience I took a lesson that I promised myself that I wouldn't repeat.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Thanks for Your Unsolicited Advice :)
Someone else asked me about my blog the other day and gave me the most horrible and unsolicited advice ever and it had nothing to do with what we were talking about...let me start from the beginning....
Thursday, September 12, 2013
I'm Convinced I Need to Change the Sign on my Forehead.
A few years ago, I was enjoying some drinks with some friends/co-workers at Wet Willies when a small group of people approached me about doing some modeling for them. We exchanged info, but I never worked with them because the guy over the organization was very unprofessional. I will call him Tim.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Oh, so you mad?!
You may or may not remember Scott...I talked about him in a previous post.
Well, I had a conversation with him a few weeks ago and I basically told him that I am not really into him like that. Sometimes I like him, but other times I don't because he is disrespectful and I don't feel like he knows how to talk to women. I think I probably said that wrong because I think I gave him the idea that it was ok to smother me.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Jumbled Thoughts....self-esteem, getting cheated on, etc.
This post is going to be a little jumbled and a little different from my previous posts...there are just a few things I feel the need to discuss.
I was thinking yesterday, how does someone know if they have low self-esteem?
I was thinking yesterday, how does someone know if they have low self-esteem?
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Rejection? Wait, what is this unfamiliar word?
Ok, so if you remember, last week I sent a Facebook message to my crush to start up a little conversation. Well, I hate to admit it, but he never responded...Yes, I am a little bitter because I am friggin amazing! I'm nice, I'm smart, I'm friendly, I'm goal-oriented, I'm respectful, I take care of myself and my son...the list goes on! How dare he not respond to me?!
Friday, August 16, 2013
I did it...and I'm Relieved!

Thursday, August 15, 2013
Throwback Thursday Storytime: The Panty Bandit
I had to be about 19 years old in college, just learning the ins and outs of dating. I didn't have many boyfriends in high school because I heard a lot of horror stories from my friends and I knew a lot of the guys and they would tell me the things they would do to girls and I wasn't really trying to be a statistic LOL!

Monday, August 12, 2013
I want to ask my crush out....
I think in a previous post, I mentioned that I was a rebellious bad ass and that I do what I want and I get whoever I want...well...I'm not LOL. I can admit that I am a bit of a punk/pansy and I can't quite put my "big girl panties" on when it comes to this particular situation.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Throwback Thursday Storytime: Most Romantic Date I Have Ever Had :)
All of my dating experiences haven't been horrible. When I was in college, there was this guy that I dated for about 2.5 years. I will call him Ike. To this day, he is the best boyfriend I have ever had. He opened car doors, regular doors, pulled out chairs for me, etc. the whole time we dated. I never had suspensions of him cheating, he was just an all around good guy. We dated for 7 months before making it official on Valentine's Day.
He was my first real Valentine and this date was the most romantic date I have ever been on.
He was my first real Valentine and this date was the most romantic date I have ever been on.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Mom Says It's Time for You to Get a Steady Boyfriend!
Last week, I was having some random/general conversation with my mother. She stops the conversation about says, "Can I ask you a question?" You know what that means....it's about to get uncomfortable. Of course, I replied yes and she asked me
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Am I Really Wrong for This?
Ok, I need you guys to be blunt with me on this. Dave, which is a guy that I have talked about in a previous post (Click Here for Background on Dave) contacted me Sunday. As soon as I saw his name pop up on my phone, I was annoyed, so I waited like an hour before I responded. Here is how the conversation went:
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Matchmaker Friend...Eh, Wish Me Luck!
Last week, I got a Facebook message from a girl I used to work with. I wouldn't call us friends, because we only communicate on social networks but she is really nice and for some reason I trust her judgment. If we had worked together longer I def think we could have developed a friendship. She sent me a message and wanted to know if I was open to being setup with 1 of her friends.
I have actually solicited the help of a REAL professional matchmaker in the past. I won't put her name of the name of her company because my experience was a bit weird.

Thursday, July 11, 2013
Throwback Thursday Story Time: 3am Door & Bedroom Knocking
I couldn't resist telling you all this story. I know you won't believe it, but it is completely true...NO EXAGGERATION NEEDED!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Um...is the Pot Calling the Kettle Black?!
Before I get into my vent, I should probably give you a little background. I have a friend who I will call Scott. I have known him since 2009 or 2010. We tried dating very briefly, but realized that it wasn't a good idea. Let me keep it short...Scott was/is a liar. He tried to date me and someone I used to hang out at work with at the same time and I suspected it, so I asked him about it, but he wouldn't ever confirm it. I found out 1 day when Lala- the girl I thought he was dating told me a year or 2 ago. The funny thing is, she never knew he tried to date me. We put the pieces together and realized what a dog Scott was. Scott finally admitted to it once I told him that Lala and I talked. The situation upset me because he knew that Lala and I were building a friendship, so he knew that we knew each other. (Her and I have a few mutual friends). I wish I had known Lala better and had been able to ask her about it while the situation was occurring because it was pretty irrelevant now
Now although Scott is a liar, I still was his friend because I decided that I would never date him again after that and the chemistry wasn't so over powering that I couldn't be his friend. Him and I talk about everything and after I talked to Lala, I told him what we talked about and he still denied it. I tried to explain to him that I would still be his friend and that I it would mean a lot if he would just admit it. (It's hard to be real friends with a liar). He finally admitted and I explained to him this is why we can't ever date. (He always made it clear that he still liked me). It's hard to deal with a liar without turning into a crazy person because you can never believe what they say and I refuse to be THAT girl who acts like a lunatic.
I said all of this to get to this. A couple of weeks ago, Scott and I went and had lunch. Scott has been a bit persistent in that he thinks that he can show me a good time especially since the last couple of guys that I have dated have sucked. Now Scott, DOES know about my blog, so that came up. He actually reads it and he texts me his opinions. He recently told me that I should include some positive dating experiences on my blog, so I was going to post about our lunch "date" thing, because it was pretty positive and he said he didn't mind me writing about him. (I don't normally write about people that are very close to me because I don't want to hurt anyone). I told him I am going to type exactly how I feel, so don't get mad and he said ok I had my new post about him all typed up and everything, but something would let me post it. I decided to wait....
After I posted that story about the mailbox guy yesterday, Scott text me...
Scott: Ok babe, ya most recent post (which I thought would be bout me :/) u sound like a blonde headed white girl with no common sense. If he comments on ya body when ya'll first met, he is letting you know his aim. If then he texts you about basically getting drunk with him THE FIRST TIME HE TEXTS U then makes a remark about finding a way to make u sweat...LMAO this should have been a no brainer I'm disappointed in u. LMAO haven't u learned ANYTHING from me?? Haha still love you tho.
[Scott's mother is Caucasian, so his blond girl comment shouldn't be taken any sort of way].
Me: He wasn't trying to get drunk, people drink rum when they have a cold. I think they drink it in a hot toddy to get rid of the cold. He already had my number when he made the comment about my body. I already knew the answer, just wanted to get opinions to see if other people would react the way I did.
Scott: What are people saying? Lol cause you def didn't over react. Knowing you, you'll still talk to him lol.
[In my mind I was thinking...thanks for saying I have no standards]
Me: ...I still talk to you.
[Meaning he did me wrong and I am still friends with him so what makes him different? I don't actually talk to the mailbox guy anymore because that text rubbed me the wrong way...just in case you wanted to know].
He didn't say anything after I text that to him, but his texts frustrated me for a number of reasons. He basically called me stupid and said I have no standards. Also, how can he judge anyone when he tried to date me and someone I considered a friend and know about AND BE OK WITH THAT. He isn't any better than the guy in the last post. At least the guy in the last post was a stranger...he wasn't someone I knew and considered a friend.
To make things even worse, Scott really thinks that I can see myself with him. Why does he think he has been in the friend zone for so long? He needs to learn how to talk to women and not judge other people when it comes to dating because he has a sketchy past and a very checkered present as it relates to women.
So much for a positive post....
Monday, July 8, 2013
Should I be Offended or am I Over- Reacting?!
This past weekend, I have been super sick with a really bad cold thanks to my son lol! All weekend, we pretty stayed in and tried to get over the worst part of the cold together, the chills, cold sweats, fever, incessant coughing, etc.
Sunday, we decided to take a little trip to the mailbox on our way back home from the store. As soon as I pulled up to the mailbox, I saw this gorgeous guy posting some flyers near my mailbox. I wanted to sit in car until he left because I knew I looked horrible. I still had a bit of a fever and I was dressed in sweats and a boy beater, with my hair pulled back into a ponytail and not a drop of makeup...not even chapstick/lip gloss.
I knew I couldn't hide in the car, so I mustered up the courage to get out of the car...I just decided I would avoid eye contact at all costs. As soon as I got out of the car, he looked in my direction and said,
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Burning Questions!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Do I look like a prostitute to you?!
This weekend, I didn't go on any dates. Friday I hung out with
Lesbiana and at a little bar, then Saturday afternoon I hung out with
Mercedes, my other bff. Saturday night, I went to my sister's birthday
party, and Sunday I took sometime to recuperate and spend some quality
time with my son. It was definitely a busy weekend.
Saturday night, I got a text from Dave. (The guy who basically had a girlfriend the whole time he was trying to date me). As soon as I saw his name, I was slightly annoyed because I won't lie, I still feel some type of way because of the way our "friendship" ended. (I'm not sure what else to call it).
Dave: Yo I know we don't talk but my homegirl just seen your pic on IG and wanted me to ask you abt hanging out w/u.
Me: What's her name?
Dave: Hanging out like freaking u
Me: Oh lol, no I'm good...lol
Dave: Yea I figure that but she made me text u.
Ok, let me explain this text... When he text me, I thought he was saying that 1 of his friends, that maybe he introduced me too, wanted to hang out, as in link up and do girl stuff, like go out or go to the movies or something. Dave has a lot of friends and his female friends are women that we went to college with that I didn't know in college. Maybe I am naive, but some of his female friends are very nice and there are a couple that I would hang out with because we have a lot in common. I definitely didn't think that he was texting me to hook me up with a female to have sex with...
All I could do was laugh because I really wanted to curse him out. I am straight and I am confident enough in my sexuality to say that another woman is pretty or dresses well, but I'm not the least bit interested in starting a relationship with a woman. One of my best friends is a lesbian and I love her to death, but I'm just not into women like that. Women are sensitive, emotional, and act crazy on their periods...I have enough work dealing with my own emotions and attitude, why the hell would I want to date another woman and deal with all her emotions too LOL!
Now, I don't know if he was trying to be funny, or if he was trying to get a rise out of me, or if he just wanted to say something and see if I would respond, or if he just wanted to see if I would try this with 1 of his friends....All I know is that I was offended that he would try and set me up with someone for sex....is he friggin serious?! Something told me to ignore him when I saw his text pop up on my phone, but I figured it was just innocent. I'm starting to believe that nothing involving Dave is innocent.
I don't like to argue...but maybe I should have said:
Dave, thank you so much for such a gracious offer, but I will have to pass because you couldn't pay me enough to be involved with you or any of your friends, especially if they are anything like you. If you are interested in setting her up with a prostitute, I'm sure you can find 1 on a street corner somewhere in Atlanta or maybe even craigslist. I'm not a hooker, nor am I interested in being 1. You should be ashamed of yourself for even sending me that type of text especially since you and I "dated" and I use that term very loosely. Do yourself a favor and lose my number before I facebook your girlfriend and tell her what a low life douche bag you are...oh and have a nice night :).
LOL! I know I don't have the best luck when it comes to dating, but I'm def going to stick to dating men and I def don't see myself turning into a high priced prostitute anytime in the future.
Saturday night, I got a text from Dave. (The guy who basically had a girlfriend the whole time he was trying to date me). As soon as I saw his name, I was slightly annoyed because I won't lie, I still feel some type of way because of the way our "friendship" ended. (I'm not sure what else to call it).

Me: What's her name?
Dave: Hanging out like freaking u
Me: Oh lol, no I'm good...lol
Dave: Yea I figure that but she made me text u.
Ok, let me explain this text... When he text me, I thought he was saying that 1 of his friends, that maybe he introduced me too, wanted to hang out, as in link up and do girl stuff, like go out or go to the movies or something. Dave has a lot of friends and his female friends are women that we went to college with that I didn't know in college. Maybe I am naive, but some of his female friends are very nice and there are a couple that I would hang out with because we have a lot in common. I definitely didn't think that he was texting me to hook me up with a female to have sex with...
All I could do was laugh because I really wanted to curse him out. I am straight and I am confident enough in my sexuality to say that another woman is pretty or dresses well, but I'm not the least bit interested in starting a relationship with a woman. One of my best friends is a lesbian and I love her to death, but I'm just not into women like that. Women are sensitive, emotional, and act crazy on their periods...I have enough work dealing with my own emotions and attitude, why the hell would I want to date another woman and deal with all her emotions too LOL!
Now, I don't know if he was trying to be funny, or if he was trying to get a rise out of me, or if he just wanted to say something and see if I would respond, or if he just wanted to see if I would try this with 1 of his friends....All I know is that I was offended that he would try and set me up with someone for sex....is he friggin serious?! Something told me to ignore him when I saw his text pop up on my phone, but I figured it was just innocent. I'm starting to believe that nothing involving Dave is innocent.
I don't like to argue...but maybe I should have said:

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The Crazy Ex Continues....
Ok, so you remember that last post about Nilo and his ex? Well, she hasn't quite gone away yet...I am on Instagram and Nilo and I do follow each other on there, which is nothing because I let almost anyone follow me on Instagram.
The other day I received some requests to follow me....yes, my profile is private. (I prefer to approve people before they follow me. It helps me keep track of who is following me, so I can see if I want to follow them back). It was a slew of guys and 1 girl. I don't usually get requests from women unless I actually know them or met them somewhere. I couldn't see her face too well, so I approved it and I decided to request to follow her so I could find out who she is. (Her profile is private too).
Today, I saw that she accepted my request so I begin looking at her pics....
Monday, June 17, 2013
It's Not Meet The Parents....It's Meet My Crazy Ex!
This weekend, I went on a "date" with a guy that I have met twice at 2 different places. (I put date in quotes, but our first date wasn't exactly a date...I'll explain later). Let me give you a little background. I went to Barnacles, which is a restaurant that turns into a bar/club after a certain time with one of my female friends probably late last year. Her and I were having a great time when this guy, who I will call Nilo came up to me and started talking and buying us drinks. He was really nice so we exchanged numbers.
We didn't talk that much after exchanging numbers, which is probably my fault because I had a lot going on at the time, so we lost touch. By lost touch, I mean I erased his number lol. Anyway, I ran into him again recently at another club and he came up to me and invited me to his VIP section.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
OMG Stalker Central!
Yesterday, after work, I ran and picked up my son and then went home. As soon as I drove up to my place, who did I see? If it isn't my suspected stalker!!! He was sitting in his usual location, on the steps near my door with a couple of his friends. I wanted to just sit in my car with my son, but he had seen me pull up.... and this is MY HOUSE and I should be scared to get out of MY CAR and walk into MY HOME!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Stalker or Sweet?
I go home everyday on my lunch break to inhale some food and get a nap. (I'm queen of naps). Lately, when I go home, whether it is on my lunch break or after work, I see this guy sitting on the steps near my door. We usually speak and I keep it moving. He isn't my type. I don't find him attractive, I usually smell weed or cigarette smoke when he is outside, and he is normally dressed crazy-def not clean cut.
Yesterday, my sister stopped by my apartment and found a "love letter" in my door. It said (I am typing it as is, errors and all):
Yesterday, my sister stopped by my apartment and found a "love letter" in my door. It said (I am typing it as is, errors and all):
Monday, June 10, 2013
All the Signs

At that very momemt, I knew exactly where the voice came from.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Just My Luck!
Last night, I went to birthday at Compound for a girl I've known since high school. I'll call her Toni. I didn't want to go alone, so I brought along my guy friend. I'll call him Neo.
Before I even went out, I decided that I wasn't giving my number out our trying to get any numbers. I don't think I'm going to meet my future husband in the club- I could be wrong.
I'm in the club having a great time- dancing, drinking, and minding my own business when this decent looking guy comes over and starts up a conversation. He had gorgeous white teeth and a nice smile. He asked me if I was single, I lied and said I had a boyfriend and I don't live in Atlanta. I always say that when I go out with no intention of getting any numbers. He smiled at me and said, "Well my name is Rod." I introduced myself and told him it was nice to meet him. He then asked, "Do you know who I am?"
Atlanta falcons,
roddy white,
Friday, June 7, 2013
Is This a test?!

Anyway, I was browsing through the dating site and I came across this gorgeous guy I will call Mateo.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Why I'm Abstinent...
I guess I should just dive right on in...the last guy I dated was a guy that I knew in college- I'll call him Dave. I wouldn't say we were friends in college, but we sort of knew each other. By that I mean that we knew each other's name and we knew that the other was a "cool" person. We reconnected last year when I attended his birthday party. To tell you the truth, I was pretty surprised when I received the invite on Facebook, but I decided to go.
Before I decide to tell you why I went, don't judge me.
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