Monday, June 10, 2013

All the Signs

Sign #1: Near the very end of May, I was in bed and I was on the brink of sleep.  No lights on, no TV on, no nothing.  Just as I was dozing off, a loud, booming manly voice said, "Don't worry your husband is on the way."  It definitely scared the crap out of me because I live alone with my son.  I opened my eyes and tried to process what happened.  I looked over to my left to check on my son because if this was out loud, surely he heard it too.  My son hadn't so much as moved, he was completely knocked out.

At that very momemt, I knew exactly where the voice came from. 
It was God.  Just a day or so before, I had literally broke down in tears because of the situation that I had recently had to deal with regarding Dave.  I wasn't necessarily crying over him, I was crying because I am tired of dealing with men and their lies and ridiculous situations.  I got on my knees and I prayed that God would send me my husband when he felt like I was ready and if I wasn't ready, I prayed he would get me ready.

Never in my life have I heard God so clearly.  I think he was waiting for me to get tired of the crazy situations that I had been apart of to push me back to him.  Well, I came running and crying like a baby.

Sign #2: Today, I went home on my lunch break to have a little snack and catch a little power nap, like do almost everyday.  I didn't sleep as hard as I normally do on my lunch time naps, but before I went to sleep, I was thinking about relationships and I actually thought about a guy that I have mentioned in my first post, my college crush.  I guess I should give him a name like I do everyone else....his initials are MM, so I'll call him M&M LOL!  (I don't know why I thought of him, but I just thought I would mention that).

Anyway, I fell asleep and the only thing I remember from my dream is that I looked at the time and it said 1:43.  I wasn't looking at a clock, but I think maybe it was on the computer or something, but all I could see was the time.

Now, I know you are wondering why is this is significant, let me explain why:

143 means I love you.

If you look at 143 from a numerology standpoint (1+43=44, 4+4=8) 8 carries the energies of success, material wealth, authority and power, abundance, infinity, karma and cosmic consciousness.  8 can manifest itself in the form of happiness, money, LOVE, bliss, or whatever it is that your true desires.

If the numbers are broken down separately 1 is the number from which all manifestation begins.  It may be implying that you should watch your thoughts and focus upon your true heart's desires so that they can manifest into your life, which is exactly what I was doing before I went to sleep.  4 is the number of solidity and great strength and 3 is the union of mind, body, soul, and the holy trinity.  It symbolizes growth, expansion, and manifesting abundance.  It could be a message that your ideals and visions are coming to fruition in your life.  It may also suggest that your prayers have been responded to and answered- the Ascended Masters (for me, that would be God) are working closely with you.  It means that all things are possible.  It also means 3rd time lucky.  (Special thanks to Psychic Joanne's page about dreams, religion, and numerology for the info).

Now I know some of you are thinking I am crazy and that I am thinking way too deep into this, but c'mon.  This can't be a coincidence!  I truly believe that God can speak to you in any way and I think that God put this in my dream specifically because he knew that I would connect the dots.  I think he was letting me know that I need to continue to be patient and have faith and that his first message was true about my my husband coming into my life.

To take things a step further, if you look at the meaning of numbers at they relate to the Bible, I still think he is speaking to me.  Listen:

1= Unity, love, holiness, purity, whole.  As it relates to me, I have made a commitment to be abstinent or pure so that I can be blessed with the love that God has placed on this Earth for me.

4= Weakness; relationship of Earth to the ruler of creation in the heavens.  4 symbolizes the weakness of material creation under the authority of the Heavens.  There is, however, strength when the authority of God is added to the weakness of Earth just as the four fingers of the hand are weak and the addition of the thumb gives strength. In relation to my situation, I think this means that my chance for finding love was weak because I didn't involve God the way I should have.  I needed to go to him in prayer and discuss the desires of my heart so that he could have authority over my situation.

3= Justice of the holy spirit, trinity, spirit, air.  On day 3, when the Earth was created, the focus was adding life.  Life is maintained by the spirit of God.  To me, this reads, I must sustain my faith to maintain this promise that God has placed in my life.

(Special thanks to a page I found called BibleNews1 for this amazing breakdown that I found on their website)

I said all of this to say that the signs are is dreams and reality will coincide.

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